I didn’t use the personal counselor much, but it was a nice extra feature to have. You are also given a personal counselor that you can call or email. The videos are entertaining enough and the professors teaching try their best to keep you focused. Their study system includes videos, text material, multiple choice questions, and simulation questions. I was able to pass all sections on my first attempt and I am not a genius, so I truly believe they cover everything you need without breaking the bank. I think overall I paid about $1,000 for all the CPA exam material from Gleim. There are other study guide programs out there, however, I decided to choose Gleim. I found Gleim to be one of the cheaper study systems, but it was still high quality.

When studying for the CPA Exam I used the Gleim study guide with some extra questions I purchased from Ninja CPA Review. It is nearly impossible to pass the exams without it. Your old text books have bits and pieces of information needed for each section, but are not specific enough. The exam is broken up into 4 sections and the CPA study guides are designed to specifically address each. School text books are a great reference, but are not focused enough on what is included on the CPA exams. Your school text books alone are not enough to pass.

This is the first step to passing the exam. If you decide to take a stab at passing the CPA exam, it is important that you purchase a CPA study guide.